Flower buds on my tiny capsicum plant
|Flower buds on my tiny capsicum plant
My tiny capsicum plant has developed a flower bud. As this is the first time, I am growing capsicum plants, I am not sure how long it will take for the buds to bloom and develop into fruits.

I had tried sowing capsicum seeds earlier. But none of them sprouted. This time also, many of the initial sprouts have withered off and growth is generally poor. Previous stage of the current set of plants follows.
These capsicum saplings are growing well. Many of them are being replanted to other locations to relieve the congestion in this garden pot. I am planning to retain only one or two in this pot.
But what I have noticed is that the growth is poor for most of the replanted ones. Recently I have started replanting them with a scoop of soil near the root to reduce disturbance to the roots.
Getting capsicum seeds to germinate for the first time. Previous attempts had failed as the seeds would not germinate. My experience with chilli seeds are also poor, most of them do not germinate. Even if they germinate, they had great variability in growth and only few have flowered and borne very few fruits. This time I am more hopeful because this is from a new set of seeds bought online.