Coriander seedlings
|Coriander seedlings

These are two coriander seedlings germinating from a single coriander husk which usually contains two seeds. Though it is recommended that the husk should be split and soaked prior to planting this was planted right away. That is why both seedling have sprung up side by side. Cotyledons have opened up in the first one which is taller, while it is just opening in the shorter one. A few small weeds have also sprung up nearby. This is a 2x zoom image.
Update on 13th February 2021

Now the cotyledons of both seedlings are seen well. Usual types of leaves are yet to appear. These two seedlings have originated from a single husk of coriander, containing two seeds. Other seeds planted along with them in three pots are yet to germinate. This is a 2x zoom image.